Samosa, But Make It Dip

Looking for more easy, healthy, and fucking delicious recipes?
Check out my ecookbook “
Good Food, Bad Words” for 30 recipes the whole family will love, written in a way your mom will hate.

Allow me to take you back, if you will, to a time before Instagram (“WHATTTT?” moans Gen Z collectively); a time when currency was only backed by gold and/or plastic; a time when I was gainfully employed doing work I hated and believed I was too good for health insurance and employer-matched 401K plans. The time was 2009, and before I was CupcakesOMG, I was Melissa, an entry-level sales associate for an executive best-practices management consulting firm. I still have no idea what that means.


It was during this time that I couldn’t shake the notion that I should GIRL BOSS my way to the bottom and start my fail-proof plan for total, virtual dominance, becoming the next Emily Schuman or Natalie Dee, minus the comics (wow, this is some niche shit, right here…Natalie Dee, anyone???). For, you see, it was during this time that I started my own blog.

I’d been sending a daily email featuring nothing more than a cupcake I sourced from one of the dozens of cupcake blogs I read daily with a description of that day’s featured cupcake, creatively entitled The Daily Cupcake to my coworkers and anyone who they forwarded it to who subsequently LITERALLY wrote to me and asked me to add them to my listserv. MARKETING AGENCIES ARE CREAMING THEIR PANTS RIGHT NOW. After a couple years, I had a few hundred “subscribers,” and decided I was growing tired of adding emails to my list and ought to prioritize scalable solutions.


What started as a humble effort to share my love of cupcakes with my nearest and dearest and farthest and strangers quickly evolved into something that the early 2010’s gal would come to un-ironically call a “lifestyle blog,” though my lifestyle primarily consisted of working a boring 40-hour-a week entry-level sales job that wouldn’t even inspire a young Gary V. All this to say, I basically had no “life” from which to diary a specific “style” for achieving. But what I lacked in Instagram-boyfriend, I made up for in cooking, specifically being an early Paleo practitioner and refusing to subsist on grilled chicken and steamed broccoli alone. And this is where I found MY niche. Wow…I’ve still got it, folks!!!


For years, Kyle and I followed a relatively strict Paleo diet. We didn’t eat rice or white potatoes, and you might as well have sent us to the 7th Circle of Hell if you put a bread basket on the table. Said another way, we deprived ourselves of a LOT of happy food memories for a while in the name of health. Thankfully, in the last few years we’ve found a better balance with our diet, which is mostly just me yelling at Kyle things like, “LOOK, WE’RE EATING WHITE POTATOES AND THAT’S FINAL.” He’s fine, y’all.


I could pretend this wordy, almost offensive preamble that led to white potatoes as a key ingredient to this samosa dip was intentional, but like most pregnancies, it wasn’t. Really, I’m just trying to explain that this rebooted version of CupcakesOMG isn’t going to follow strict Paleo rules. That said, I spent over a decade figuring out how to make food that’s gluten/dairy/sugar-free, so my recipes may likely slant in one of those directions, but it’s not a forgone conclusion either. TL;DR I’m cooking whatever the fuck I want. And most of the time, I want Indian food.


I’ve never made samosas, and tbh, they intimidate the shit out of me. Pastry dough is the Kanye West of the cooking world - she is unpredictable and hard to work with. So instead of like, making an effort, or something that might actually make me grow as person (I’m gonna be 38 in July…who cares?!), I realized I could do what I do best and half-ass it. I just took out the filling, turned it into dip, and served it with pita chips and an herbaceous drizzle. I don’t wanna tweak my own nips, but, your childhood called and think I just made Dip Fun again.

And this is the new CupcakesOMG, y’all. She’s older, she’s wiser the house down, but she’s still problematic saying whatever comes to mind and making gorgeous, nutrient-dense food just for you, a computer.


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